February is the month of love, so make your garden your Valentine. Follow these tips for a fulfilling February:

PRUNE YOUR WINTER FLOWERS: After following our previous advice for January, a month later your flowers will require a pruning, just to keep them lively. Winter flowers such as Jasmine, benefit from a good pruning as it encourages further and new growth. Cut backs should be around 5cm from the old wood.

FORK OVER: Digging over the soils of your shrubs and flowerbeds is a way of preparing your plants for the upcoming Spring months. It can also reduce the risk of pests ruining them as it reveals them to birds (who will be hungry this time of year). You’re helping the natural process of wildlife in your garden this way and may encourage more into your garden.

FLEECE UP: It may sound silly, but it’s actually very helpful. Purchase a ‘garden fleece’ or a ‘insulation wrap’ and put them around your pots and taps. This protects your plants (who may struggle in the cold) from threatening frosts. Also be sure to have raised your containers off the ground.